Know How To Use Your Large Space to Earn Money
Some businesses need only a room while some require a large open space for various purposes. And large spaces are not available to every organization; they need to get it on rent. So, if you have a large space on the highway, in the city or in the suburb then you are the lucky one. You can earn the maximum profits out of these spaces.
A Large Space on Highway
First of all, if you have a large space on the highway, with a little investment you can start the scaling business. It will be a perfect spot for that. Different types of goods and other items are transported. So, one can rent one’s space on the highway to earn good income from it. You may also open an eating joint or can simply give your space on lease to some client.
Use Your Space for Road Sign Display
Road signs are very important as they guide and alert the traveler. It will not take a lot of space and are not installed or removed frequently. So, installing the road signs can fetch you the cash and even after that you will be left with enough space that can be rented, which means you can earn more by leasing a single space on rent for various purposes.
Use it as a Warehouse
You can use the space as warehouse too, if it is a covered space. Industries in the wood business need big spaces to keep big logs of wood. Same goes with the industries dealing in iron and steel, dietary, clothing, cold storage, etc. You can charge them on monthly or daily basis, whichever suits you the best.
Use it for Parking the Vehicles
Furthermore, in the transport businesses, there are long driving hours. Driving in the night can be dangerous and is not advisable. The space can be given to them to park their vehicles for the night and they may resume in the morning. But it could be time bound for some and they might need a space for rest during the day or during the night. Public transport parking is one of the great ways of earning money from your space.
Use it for Advertising
Advertisement is an important part of any business. But here people will come to you for advertising their products. Yes, there are special permissions to be taken from different Government departments to put hoarding/posters in public places. But if it is a private property the only thing that is required is your consent. You can rent your space to those who need to advertise their products.