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 Home    Movable Shade Sign Sponsorship Cooroy Eumundi Cricket Club

Movable Shade Sign Sponsorship Cooroy Eumundi Cricket Club

C5,Mary River Road,Cooroy,Queensland,4563,Australia

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Booking Status : Available for booking

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Total Cost:$
[ Booking: Daily ]
- +
Cost/Week : $
Total Cost :$
[ Booking: Weekly ]
- +
Cost/Month : $84
Total Cost :$
[ Booking: Monthly ]
  • 779
  • 0
  • 0 Bedrooms
  • 0 Bathrooms
  • sq m


    Want a way to advertise your business and unsure how? 
    Want people to see your advertisement all year round?

    You’re on the right listing. Here at Cooroy-Eumundi Cricket Club you can now sponsor our shade sign. With cricket, football, rugby and gymnastics that all occur at this venue, you will have year long exposure each and every day for your advertisement. 

    During off season these get moved so they face the main road also ensuring you get maximum views for your company.

    Over 360 members for the Gymnastics, over 330 for soccer and over 300 for rugby league along with over 250 for our cricket season also. There are multiple hundreds and thousands of people that can be viewing your advertisement and business each and every week.

    What are you waiting for?

    *Must supply own signs of 5m x 4m

    ** Prices listed per month must book for 24 months


    Additional Information

    Price ( By Month): $84