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 Home    Business & Technology Precincts

Business & Technology Precincts

2,Westlink Court BTP Westlink Green, 10 Station Avenue,Darra,Queensland,4076,Australia

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Booking Status : Available for booking

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Total Cost:$
[ Booking: Daily ]
- +
Cost/Week : $
Total Cost :$
[ Booking: Weekly ]
- +
Cost/Month : $
Total Cost :$
[ Booking: Monthly ]
  • 999+
  • 0
  • 0 Bedrooms
  • 0 Bathrooms
  • sq m


    Business and Technology Precincts offer affordable and accessible office space for rent in three strategic locations within 15kms of the Brisbane CBD.

    These precincts attract companies seeking professional and connected office spaces in close proximity to services and other like-minded organisations. They provide employment opportunities for people close to home, reduce pressure on transport infrastructure and underpin local economic growth.



    Additional Information

    Price (By Day): $100