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 Home    Corrimal Cougars Red Sponsorship

Corrimal Cougars Red Sponsorship

15,Short St,Corrimal,New South Wales,2518,Australia

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Booking Status : Available for booking

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Total Cost:$
[ Booking: Daily ]
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Cost/Week : $
Total Cost :$
[ Booking: Weekly ]
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Cost/Month : $42
Total Cost :$
[ Booking: Monthly ]
  • 722
  • 0
  • 0 Bedrooms
  • 0 Bathrooms
  • sq m


    Includes everything as seen in the image.

    This is the red sponsor for the Corrimal Cougars and for less than $45 a month you can really see the investment give you major returns with television coverage, media coverage and games at the ground all year round. Including our games, events and training there are also up to an extra 30 games and events alone which also receive media and TV coverage including the Illawarra NRL all stars v Indigenous all stars.

    Majority of signs aside form the media and TV coverage also receive views from the local public as it faces a community centre where there is a pool, library, 3 child mining centres, junior rugby league fields, and also junior and senior cricket fields.


    Additional Information

    Price ( By Month): $41.67

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