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 Home    Exterior Clubhouse Signage (Clear View to Wises Road)

Exterior Clubhouse Signage (Clear View to Wises Road)

127-130,Wises Road,Maroochydore,Queensland,4558,Australia

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Booking Status : Available for booking

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Total Cost:$
[ Booking: Daily ]
- +
Cost/Week : $
Total Cost :$
[ Booking: Weekly ]
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Cost/Month : $183
Total Cost :$
[ Booking: Monthly ]
  • 558
  • 0
  • 0 Bedrooms
  • 0 Bathrooms
  • sq m


    Fantastic opportunity to promote your business with the side of our main clubhouse able to be occupied. Maroochydore Rugby League Club has a great chance for your business to get known and expanded. With views from Wises Road,  and the main entrance in and out of Immanuel Lutheran College every day, this is one opportunity not too miss out on. With commuters every day doing the school run, morning and afternoon; views from businesses along Wises Road and the community coming in and out of our club every day, this one will lease fast.


    Additional Information

    Price ( By Month): $183

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